covid 19 food industry impact
Covid-19 has negative impacts on food & beverage, restaurants and fast food industry, as a dietician and food technologist my point of concern relates to main factors regarding this disesae the low immunity and bad eating habits. By WHO data all over the world there is clear picture that the mortality and infection rate is much higher in individuals that are suffered from nutrition related diseases like diabetes, obesity, cardiac vascular diseases, cancer and hypertension. These all relates to nutrition and diet. So that they have less immunity as compared to normal people.Secondly mortalty is much higher to those countries and population which used high saturated fat foods, high amount of sugar intake, well refined carbohydrates intake and fast foods or junk food. Being a food technologist in my opinion the fast food industry and restaurents bussiness become more and more suffered from covid-19, as the awareness comes to people they completely avoid from such eating ha...