
Showing posts with the label starvation

Food Shortage world hunger

  Your wasted food which goes to your bin if we should save it then we will serve the humanity. There is starvation and hunger in some regions of Africa, Syria, Yemen and even in Kashmir, the people died due to hunger, they have lack of food availability, food insecurity, deprived from well nutrition, infants faced malnutrition, higher rate of mortality due to food shortage. Now covid-19 amplifies their problems. If our world safe half of its food from wastage then it will be possible to feed these people.  If we just save our food at home level then we will able to serve 9 millions people who are died due to hunger, among these 3.1 millions are children, 200 millions people are facing malnutrition, just home scale food wastage costs near about 350 billions dollar, which goes in bins.  What is the right way and solution to handled these issues. International communities, trusts, charities, NGOs and UNO need to plan about this serious issue.  They made some channels...

Food waste and hunger

Food waste and hunger Food waste and hunger will be managed by processing home-grown food using simple techniques to extend their shelf life, reducing spoilage, and spoilage leads to saving food loss. Food   Anything, when used, provides support for a healthy diet. Food is usually plant or animal and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Some Important points related to food waste and hunger are as follows; Food waste and hunger causes Food waste and Agriculture Food Environment Food security Individual Food waste Waste or damage to food products With the correct information, we will reduce losses and meet our needs more efficiently and save our money.  Then, use those food savings for those who need them. Food waste and hunger causes Food waste and hunger cause related to decreased price or quality of food results from the decisions and actions of retailers, food service providers, and consumers. It is estimated that...