classification of food based on their origin

Foods classification on origin


Homes Food classified on the base of origins or sources into two groups

A        Animals

B.        Plants

Animals Source

Food from animal source

  •  Beef
  •  Mutton
  •  Milk and dairy products
  •  Poultry, eggs and birds
  •   Sea food

Animal products are used as food directly or indirectly. Milk, eggs and meat are important examples of food from animals.

Animal products too are a rich source of nutrients. The food chain is composed of exactly these animals starting with organisms that use the energy of the sun to the apex at which the organisms are predators and rely on producers.

Let us have a look at some of the food obtained from animals:


Meat is of two types- red meat and white meat.

The meat of cow, buffaloe goat and sheep has a lot of fat and is called red meat. White meat contains less fat and is obtained from chicken and fish. White meat is healthier and can be easily digested as compared to the red meat. Meat is rich in proteins, vitamins, zinc, phosphorus and iron.


Cows, buffaloes, sheep, goat, and camels are a great source of milk. Milk is also called as an ideal food. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.


Chickens, ducks, geese, and quails are raised for eggs and meat. The egg is a rich source of protein and vitamin. The yolk of the egg is mostly made up of egg. It also contains vitamins, phosphorus, calcium and iron.


Honey is also another food we get from animals, namely bees.

Sea foods

Another source of food is seafood. This is fishes and other sea creatures like crabs, lobsters, oysters etc that we catch. They too are consumed by humans and are an important source of food in coastal regions especially.

Plant Source

Food from vegetable source






      Pulses and oil seeds

      Coffee and Tea



Plants are a source of a wide variety of nutrients required to keep the human body in perfect working condition. Humans consume everything from fruits, flowers, even the stem of some plants, leaves and stem-like lettuce, celery,  roots of some plants like carrots, beetroot, and seeds like wheat, rice, etc.

All food comes from plants, even the animals depend on plants. Hence, we obtain food from plants directly or indirectly. The reason one is advised to consume fruits and vegetables on a daily basis is that it is a source of rich nutrients.

Another such example of food from plants are crops. These are rice, wheat, maize, millets, barley etc. Which are the seeds of the crop plants. The majority of processed food like flour, bread, biscuits etc we consume is sourced from crop plants.


Fruits are a healthy source of food from plants. Orange, mango, apple, grapes are some of the fruits consumed by humans.


Vegetables are obtained from the plants. Some nutrient-rich vegetables such as beetroot, turnip, spinach, cauliflower, etc. Are obtained from plants. Roots, leaves, and stem of some plants are edible.


Cereals include rice, wheat, maize, jowar, barley, etc. These are a rich source of nutrients provided by the plants.

Tea, coffee

Coffee and tea are widely grown in the southern parts of India. These are also obtained from the plants. Not just these, sugar is also obtained from the plants. It is processed from the sugarcane plant.

Oil seeds

Oil can be extracted from the seeds and leaves of the plants. Some of the plants producing oil are castor, mustard, and sunflower.


Cinnamon, cardamom, pepper, clove, cumin seeds, and ginger are obtained from the plants and used in cooking purposes.

